1 to 1 Conversation Classes

The best way to improve your English is 1 on 1: just you and your teacher. A Conversation Class just for you!


A Conversation Class includes all aspects of English, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation.


For me, this is not simply conversation. I include various methods to improve your English. One example is reading aloud. With this, you also receive pronunciation correction while you read or at the end.

Another example from my Conversation Classes is for you to tell me a story in English that you know well - perhaps a popular children's story from your own culture, or an English story that you have read and know. You can practice telling the story before class. During class I may occasionally need to stop you for a moment to check if I have understood correctly, or to help you say the sentence correctly.

If Medical English is your desired focus, we will talk about medical conditions and patient doctor interactions. You can even present an anonymous patient history, examination findings and suggested investigations etc. I can do role play for you, either with you as the doctor (mostly), or as the patient.

In 1 to 1 Conversation Classes, learning is focused on your needs. As well as ensuring you become fluent, I also want to make sure that your English is easily understood by native speakers.

Homework: I strongly recommend you request homework. This can be preparation for role play, or more formal grammar and vocabularly training, which is corrected automatically and then reviewed together in the next lesson.

Best of all:

1 to 1 Conversation Classes are specific to your needs and your interests.

Medical English

for Doctors Course

This 100-hour online course, produced by Specialist Language Courses UK, teaches you the language required to talk to patients and other staff in many common situations, including:

- hospital admission

- patient history-taking and examination

- talking about tests, diagnosis, medical treatment, surgical care

- oncology and end-of-life care

The course has 13 units, with an online quiz at the end of each unit. These units will help improve your English communication with patients and between you and other staff.

Shortcut: Read here about how much time you will need for the course.

The Medical English for Doctors course will improve your ability to read and understand medical documents, medical journals, and research articles. You will also get practice speaking using English medical terms (words).

Along the way, you will build up your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation and grammar and gain more understanding of the skills required to communicate well in English.

- The course is practically focused and activities include interactive voice recording in which you take part in common medical scenarios.


- One to one online course tutoring is provided by me (Renton at Airway Medical English). You can purchase either 5 or 10 lessons. You may also buy the course without tutoring, but if you do, you will not have the advantage of receiving personal corrective input. The online system is designed for tutor feedback.

For those wanting to work in an English-speaking country, taking SLC's 'Medical English for Doctors' course is a great way to prepare yourself for the SLC ‘Reach OET B Medicine Course’.

To purchase the course and the

one-to-one online tutoring, write to:


Q. "How much time do I need for the Medical English for Doctors course?

A. SLC, the course producer, tell us that 'Medical English for Doctors' takes ‘100 hours’.

The course structure (2023) is as follows: There are 13 chapters, each with 7-11 lessons (118 lessons in total). In addition, a course feedback chapter is at the end of the course. So, for our calculation let us round this course to 120 ‘lessons’

Calculation: 120 lessons divided into 100 hours = 50 minutes per lesson (on average).

How many hours a week can you realistically give to this course?

Possible answers

  • 5 lessons a week? 5 x 50 minutes = 250 minutes = 4 hours and 10 minutes per week.
    • If you do one lesson a day (50 minutes) for 5 days each week, this course takes:
    • 120 lessons / 5 lessons per week = 24 weeks =  ~ 6 months

BEST LEARNING PLAN TO AIM FOR, if realistically possible:

  • 10 lessons a week, 10 x 50 minutes = 500 minutes = 8 hours and 20 minutes per week.
    • If you do two lessons a day (1hour 40 minutes/day) for 5 days each week, this course takes:
    • 120 lessons / 10 lessons per week = 12 weeks = ~ 3 months

Now add in the 10 or 5 hours of personal course tutoring, with Airway Medical English.

If you choose to do 10 lessons a week, 10 hours of personal course tutoring (spread throughout the course) will add 1 week to the length of your course study time. Purchasing 5 hours adds in a total of half a week.

To purchase the course and the

one-to-one online tutoring, write to:





This 60-hour online course, produced by Specialist Language Courses UK, teaches what you need to know to achieve Grade B in all four papers of the ‘OET Medicine’ Occupational English Test*.

The Reach OET B Medicine course provides you with:

  • Language skills, including:

- mastery of language functions used in clinical settings.

- improved understanding of academic medical texts and medical lectures.

  • Test Techniques, including:

- how to answer questions on medical texts.

- practice test questions.

  • Learning and Exam Strategies

- preparations to help you give your best on exam day.

Face to face course tutoring is provided by Renton (Airway Medical English). For this, you can choose either 5 or 10 lessons. You may also buy the course without tutoring, but you lose out by not having external corrective input.


*Doctors use the ‘Occupational English Test for Medicine’ test result to gain work in an English-speaking country (e.g., UK, US, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand). In most countries, doctors need a minimum of a B pass in all four papers. In the UK having B grade in all four OET Medicine papers confers the right to apply for the PLAB entry exam.

To purchase the course and the

one-to-one online tutoring, write to:


Q. "How much time do I need for the Reach OET B Medicine course?

A. The course producer, SLC, tells us that 'Reach OET B Medicine' takes 60 hours.

The Reach OET B Medicine course is best accessed on through the mobile app accessible following payment confirmation. Students can do some of the lessons in a different order.

The course structure (2023) is as follows:

  • an introductory lesson
  • 20 teaching lessons using on screen interactive online learning. I estimate 1 hour/lesson = 20 hrs.
  • 17 live lessons with SLC tutors on Zoom (midday, British Summer Time), taking place 4 per week, during a planned course season, according to a calendar on the app. They are also available on YouTube, but without the possibility of asking and answering questions. Note: the video version has 30min x3 per lesson (1.5hr x17 = 25 hours).
  • 11 YouTube 'lesson chapters' by SLC’s senior teacher and OET expert Jo. Each of these 'lesson chapters' is made of 6-9 YouTube videos of 10 minutes each. This averages 1 - 1.5 hours each 'lesson chapter', so totally up to approx.16 hours.

  • 2 'Practice Tests'. Each of these has all of the 4 OET Practice subtests. I reckon on

    this requiring approx. 3- 4 hours each. So x2 tests = 6- 8 hours. The subtest units (per test) are:
    Listening (40 min.), Reading (60 min.), Writing (45 min.) and Speaking (22 min.).

  • Feedback and review lesson.

The possibility of you attending the online live lessons (rather than the recordings) depends on your Time Zone and your other commitments.

How many hours a week can you realistically give to this course?

I use course length of 60 hours (as given by SLC) to calculate. Some of the lessons take 1 hour but, to have a regular study time that includes the live lessons, I will use 1.5 hours study time for the 'learning periods'.

BEST LEARNING PLAN TO AIM FOR, if realistically possible:

  • 5 learning periods a week 5 x 1.5 hours = 7.5 hours per week.
    • If you give one learning period a day (1.5 hours) for 5 days each week, this course takes:
    • 60 hours / 7.5 hours per week = 8 weeks =  ~ 2 months

Now add in the 5 or 10 hours of personal course tutoring, with Airway Medical English.

If you choose to do 5 x 1.5 hr. learning periods (7.5 hours) per week, then purchasing 5 hours of personal course tutoring (spread throughout the course adds just over 3 learning periods (@1.5hr /day) to your course study duration. Purchasing 10 hours adds in ~7 learning periods (@1.5hr /day) to the total course duration.

To purchase the course and the

one-to-one online tutoring, write to:
